
典當寬柔 !!!
百年校產 化為烏有 !!!

致所有關心寬柔中學的人 : 

經過幾個星期向各方面的調查,我們發現特大有以下不合法,不合理,不合情之議程 :

3.1 核準公司注冊局批準及部長認可的章程修改條文
根據1965年公司法令規定,任何修改章程的合法程序是由董事會通過后才呈交會員大會核準,才能交予公司注冊官批準。如今董事會本末倒置,竟然先于2009年9月11日得到公司注冊官批準再給董事會2009年10月2日緊急通過。并定于2009年10月25日召開特大核準。董事會居于什么理由不依法不合理作出修改,并可以隨時典當校產。這個過程完全沒有透明度及合法性。難道還有更大的陰謀 ?一旦通過,寬中3億校產隨時被典當,寬中馬上被私有化。寬中近100年章程從來都沒事,為何要改?
3.2 授權董事會動用學校流動資金不超過600萬零吉作為投資收益事
什么是學校流動資金 ?那就是學生的學費,教職員的薪金。我們可以允許董事會拿這些錢去搏殺嗎?若經費不足,寬中永遠有廣大華社及校友做后盾,無須搞那么多事情!!!
3.3 授權董事會洽購LOT603屬于吳家的地段事
授權無說明數目頂限? 合理嗎? 沒有估價報告?合理嗎?


集結號 –保衛寬中需要你!!!
我們將在2009年10月25日早上8點正在寬柔楊文富講堂外集合,堅決反對寬柔修改章程。 我們不允許寬中被典當和私有化 !!!我們促請所有熱愛華教人士和我們一起奮戰!!我們希望有10000人站出來響應,為我們后代努力。對得起先賢,對得起子孫。

018 – 7751109 C.H.Chong www.facebook.com/foonyewcrisis foonyewcrisis@gmail.com


An urge to all Malaysian ,

The largest Chinese Independent School in the world with more than 13000 students that is FOON YEW HIGH SCHOOL IS facing a CRISIS fro being PRIVATISED

The news of the EGM had been blocked by all the Chinese Media ie 4 Big Newspaper. We got to get the news send to everyone ASAP. Can you and all your friends please published the news in your blog or send it to everyone who love our Foon Yew High School and Chinese Independent School. We want to make sure t the EGM is cancelled and no amendment anymore. It seem like the 300million RM asset is only in a few people hand. Please call C.H. Chong at 018-7751109 for more details and clarifications if you need the proof etc.

Many Malaysians who are supported our action has sponsor us to give 100 thousands of flyer to be distributed in JB alone and we want to make sure the news can reach everyone in Malaysia.

If the eleven (11)amendment of the article association of Foon Yew – Johor Bahru Foon Yew Associated Chinese Schools Limited (Non Profit Organization) is adopted in the coming EGM on 25th OCTOBER 2009. A few directors are in the position to mortgage partially or wholly assets or even create a debenture to raise the fund up to 300million Ringgit Malaysia. This effectively take FOON YEW PRIVATE after 97 years in existence.

We urge all Foon Yew alumni in the world and Malaysian Chinese Community take a serious concern to ensure the EGM is cancelled by this Sunday. We have urged all People who support Foon Yew to be gathered in Foon Yew High School coming Sunday 8am. Please show your support.

We love Foon Yew and the above matter is not make public. It is critical now because Foon Yew have more than 30million RM in cash and at least RM300 million asset.

We appreciate if you can help us publish the news in any media and let everyone know the issue.

8 条评论:

  1. 誰是提案人?應該公布!!還有提案的目的有沒有對華社解釋與溝通?? 如此草率?

  2. (朋友提醒了我) 各位,想請教特大的會員是誰呢?如我們去了,是如何支持?如何声援?如果有10,000人在場,如何維持秩序?需要申請嗎?

  3. 是董事长。我们只是和平的站在那里。
    会有rela 的人在维持秩序。

  4. terrence:


  5. terrence:

  6. 我看这需要很大的沟通和投资策略。北大青鸟和清华同方也是两所大学的投资……但是动用全部资产,包括流动资金和不动产,就是太大的风险了……以企业养校是一个不错的策略,但是学校有投资以及风险管理的专才吗?倒不如让成功的企业家直接“赠送”股份,让宽中年年分红,而无须动用百年积蓄?动用宽柔基金去购买股票,甚至投资经营生意;如果失败了由谁“买单”?很多国际名校都有 “Endownment” 的规定。投资必须是在 "Endownment"

  7. 以新加坡为例,政联投资公司(GIC and Temasek Holdings)不是拿国家的储备(National Reserve)去投资的。建议宽柔不要操之过急。先投资很小的部分,以每年3%的回报就已经强过银行的储蓄利率了。让爱校人士捐款成立投资基金或许会不错。或许可以放过现有的不动产以及流动资金……投资经理也会有不理智的时候,或许权力不宜过大。

  8. foon yew had already made a morally mistake by raising fund from the mass public all over the years. now, the fund has grown into huge size in which the board of directors themselves are seeking alternative investment opportunity to preserve its value against inflation. obviously, they have been sucking in too much money from the publich. the resources could have been used more efficiently by the public if it is not in the hand of foon yew.

    the idea of allowing non-professional to manage an investment portfolio that will eventually gain in the future is simply naive.

    as i always mention, GIC, Temasek holdings, Harvard Endowment Fund, they have asset denominated in billions. they could afford to hire "real" investment professional to manage it.

    there is a saying, do not wear a big hat if you do not have a big head.

    FOON YEW HIGH SCHOOL, please improve your education system. teaching science subjects in english was a bold move and it is a wise one. so, why don't you use that money to hire more english teachers and learning resources to nurture your students into a bilingual person.

    MORAL HAZARD problem could not be solved.
    pls don't be fooled by the simple explanation you read on the newspaper.

    although government bond is default risk free, but it is expose to interest rate risk. many economists have pointed out the need to raise interest rates to fight inflation as there is too much liquidity in the financial system since the implode of financial crisis.

    the interest rates is at the lowest level, the central bank will raise it one day in the future. when it rises, the value of bond investment will depreciate. so, let me ask you, is it really safe to invest in bond ???

