

宽中董事会名单 : http://www.foonyew.edu.my/organizations/directors.php 

很多人质疑我们的用心说为什么要搞集会。为什么要把事情闹大。这个有用吗? 你问得很好。。只是以下是我们的回答。
试问,当中文报纸都去大量报导政党和华团的内部斗争。请问这些人事实上还代表华人吗 ? 如果我们的新闻发布会在新山,我们将看不到任何报道因为报纸都被封锁了。  

请大家看今天东方日报A17 和 A36 新闻。我们希望各团体和报纸不要再选择沉默了。保卫华教保卫宽中是当务之急啊 !

扪心自问,我们最后的堡垒就是华教了。。这是绝对不能被人钻空子的。。。这是历代祖先废了好大的气力才维持住的。试想想我们还有中文论坛。能用中文沟通。邻国们印尼泰国新加坡有吗? 希望热爱华教的人可以参加我们星期天的大集会。我们相信反对的人越多,他们是会放弃的。也希望大家把这个消息告诉你身边所有热爱华教的人。

也希望发表如果你有任何方案的话,还是你愿意参与得更多 可以联系我们的总协调 Mr.C.H. Chong +60187751109 foonyewcrisis@gmail.com 我们需要你 !!!
爱我宽柔 造福华教

22 条评论:

  1. 请问是只要出席就可以了吗?在集会上会有呈交具体反对通过修订案的文件什么的吗?

  2. Don't you guys think that your Chinese translation of the proposed amendments are not accurate enough?

  3. 《东方日报》http://www2.orientaldaily.com.my/read//26c90sTv0Z0i9RPO1axi0m7I2D8Q38MC












  4. 特地将以上《东方日报》报道内容作为回复,使希望大家能冷静思考,仔细阅读此网所有的内容,以免被外人利用。

  5. 转载-请参考。




    根 據1965年公司法令規定,任何修改章程的合法程序是由董事會通過后才呈交會員大會核準,才能交予公司注冊官批準。如今董事會本末倒置,竟然先于2009 年9月11日得到公司注冊官批準再給董事會2009年10月2日緊急通過。并定于2009年10月25日召開特大核準。董事會居于什么理由不依法不合理作 出修改,并可以隨時典當校產。這個過程完全沒有透明度及合法性。難道還有更大的陰謀 ?一旦通過,寬中3億校產隨時被典當,寬中馬上被私有化。寬中近100年章程從來都沒事,為何要改?



    注冊官批準此修章申請后。據董事部里持有專業身份的成員了解,在新的公司法令規定下(其實元老們說其實公司法令一直有在修正中,所以已有新的修正法令)最后一個步驟是需要再一次召開會員大會做一次類似“announcement ”的程序,和會員交代此事。[*]




    [*]《宽频》小组按:校董今早来电澄清,说“最后一個步驟是需要再一次召開會員大會做一次類似“announcement ”的程序”,经确认不是新公司法令的规定,而是宽柔学校组织章程中规范的修章程序。
    [本话题由 ycteo 于 2009-10-23 16:28:59 编辑]"

  6. it is very clear that foon yew high school should be managed in a way to be sustainable, not expanding.

    I doubt the "anonymous" who urged readers to think carefully and independently.

    Even an less-educated reader will immediately point out the cons of the new constitution.

    I can only say that the board of directors is simply ignorance as they think government bond investment is 0% risk. Please read thru wikipedia, 0% risk free is only in term of default risk. all bond investment, especially long term bond investment is subject to high interest rates risk. Interest rates is currently at its lowest level, inflation will come one day. As a result, central bank will raise interest rates substantially in the future to fight inflation. As the price/value of a bond investment is inversely proportional to the interest rates, so what do you think will happen to the bond investment ???

  7. besides that, the agenda mentions nothing about corporate governance. It did not mention either who will be monitoring or responsible for the investment.

    Let me ask you, who shall be responsible and make the investment decision??? Are they investment professional??? Do you think some layman who sit on the board will outperform the real investment professional?? Do you really think they can perform better result???

    Statistically speaking, they will outperform the market only when they strike the lottery. Simply put it, to win the roulette.

  8. 黄循积拿什么来保证?他不会犯错?他要永远当董事?他不会离开董事部?他不会意外?他不会死?

  9. 只要稍微有一点理财知识的人都知道,由于银行存款的利息永远赶不上通货膨胀的脚步,所以必须采取其他的资本增值方法,以免因货币逐渐贬值而蒙受损失。







  10. pls don't use anonymous. i can see how ignorance you are.
    300 years ago, adam smith had proposed division of labor. a school is mean to educate its students, not mean to be an investment holdings. there are umpteen investment professionals out there, how could you possbily generate better result than those pros?? even tough u proposed to hire graduated fy investment pros, let me ask you, what will be the cost incurred??? does foon yew really have piles of reserves to make it economically efficient????
    if your answer is yes, then you should first apologize to all Chinese community in JB area. you had deceived everyone by claiming that Foon Yew has always short of operation capital.
    if fy really possesses RM30 million of reserves cash, it shall be deemed as the mismanagement of the board of directors to be allow the fund to grow into a huge amount without making any investment in developing foon yew human capital. it has long been known that foon yew high school has been cutting teachers' wages.

  11. foon yew high school has done nothing in improving the english standard among its students. there are a lot of good teachers in there, but the system is utterly a complete failure. how can anyone teach english by telling them to memorize everything?? including in the exam.

    get back to the constitution, "investment" is a term with broad meaning, it can be defined as investing activities in capital market, or even property market. Once you pass the amendment, who the hell will know how you operate the investment in property market??? who will monitor whether you had overpaid. who shall deem the responsibility to evaluate the performance??? does he deserves remuneration if his investment decision realize gains in the future???

    none of these has been mentioned in the agenda. how could the public know that you are really doing your job with your integrity. Not to mention that the public has never glimpsed at foonyew financial statement.

  12. nothing went wrong with the investment proposal. where the hell is the corporate governance??? chairman supervises himself ??? it is funny.
    learnt from singapore's NKF and Renci lessons, foonyew should publish its financial statement yearly to the public to prevent any wrongdoing.

  13. 宽柔越来越失败了~





















  14. 不知道为什么扯到英文教育制度的问题。。。




  15. 宽中不思进取,势必在历史的长河中消失。



  16. Please pardon me for using English. I type faster in English. Terrence, you have good points, but I think a better communication would definitely help FY. Maybe you should pay the board a visit. I do not want to talk much as I have not been back to FY for years. However the world is changing fast; and therefore FY should too. It lacks many "best practices" that a modern "social enterprise" should have. Investment is really a huge area to cover. And that is only a part of a good management and operation of an enterprise. "Corporate Governance" i.e. whistle blowing is a new issue that in the old days many people did not regard it as important. The main purpose of FY is not "profit" oriented. I think that is for sure. And "risk" is a basis of life. Nevertheless I find open discussion, face-to-face, or any form would help. It cannot harm FY unless no good conclusion is made at the end. Maybe it is just good for the whole FY, JB or even the whole Malaysia Chinese to revise the old system. Since many other areas have been touched on, probably the whole constitution should be reviewed. To ensure FY always stays ahead of time. Not drown by it and still not realize of it...

    Lastly, I apologize because I did not do any further than just pointing out my views. Maybe this will be my last comment. Lastly, I think FY reputation would not be harmed if there's a good result achieved from this. The more people know and care about it provides a transparent form of "Corporate Governance". And then things will become clearer. $30million is not a lot for a corporate, but a huge number for people in JB. I think a proper management is essential. For the least, they should fight against inflation, and for long term sustainability.

    I think most of us are neutral. And do want to see a good end to this. :-)

  17. i would like to point out one simple economic theory. the inflation is inversely proportional to the interest rates. when the interest rates is high, the inflation is low, i think the capital gain during the time could compensate the losses of money value during high inflation and low interest rates.

    again, moral hazard problem could never be resolved. wall street could not solve it, so don't be naive that Foon Yew can actually make it by waving its righteous flag.

    moreover, the investment that defined in the new bill doesn't restrict fy board to invest only in safer investment products. How can they claimed that opposition attacks fy because he simply wants to revenge.

    i don't like what i had read from the newspaper of the chairman interview.

    again, to show their sincerity, fy board of directors should voluntarily disclosed their financial statement.

    oh, just remembered one line from the fy chairman, "the RM300 million of asset in foon yew balance sheet is a nonsense as no one has actually calculated it before."

    what a nonsense. he meant they never audit their account with proper accounting method??? without doing so, how to talk about investment??

    there are lots of flaws and i saw signs that the board of directors has consolidated their power.

    now i wonder, who can replace the board of directors if they made very bad investment in the future?? can we do that ? or, just another directors will step out to replace the existing one ???

    it is funny. lazy to comment more, i found that few people here can understand my point. and i don't like to argue with some low level creatures.

    none of my business after all, one day they fail, i will be the first one to laugh at them.

  18. i should say
    well said u guys roch and terrence

  19. Having read and replied some, there is one BIG issue that I want to point out. That I am NOT willing to see FY fail; nor to laugh at it when it might one day. There's this saying: "whether you think you can or not, you are always right". So I rather keep looking on the bright side. No matter what, FY is the place that we spent our golden years in.

    I am not in Malaysia and I have not read anything about it on the newspaper, other than this blog. If there are signs that there is a consolidation of power, it could be more dangerous than the investment proposal...

    I do agree that board of FY have been doing a great job given that we all know how life has been in Malaysia. And having said so, I believe as a group of wise and experienced businessmen, they would know what we are talking about and would react to it positively. After all, they might be looking at continual capital growth, that only a good reputation can bring; not only as a board member but also as a businessman in the industry.

    Come back to the idea of investment, I think so far other than very few countries, most are still having a slight inflation (natural inflation). Therefore, proper investment to safeguard the future value of the capital is still needed. And money doesn't grow unless you use it wisely.

    If FY has enough reserve, it should consider to self-sustain via running certain investment or business. In the long run, FY may be able to cope even without people's donation. And of course we are not talking about a matter of merely some years.

    And with money, better education can easily be achieved. Success is easier for FY because it has plenty of good alumni. And a good reputation for the school. So I sincerely hope that a better end can be achieved on this dispute. And I have no means to comment on the constitution as I have not really studied it.

  20. i just want to laugh at "them", not fy.

    based on the NKF and Renci cases in Singapore, these public entities should publish their financial statement to the public and audited by reputable accounting firm to check that there is no wrongdoing within an organization.

    look at NKF and Renci, there were many irregularities in its book. if it weren't under managed and scrutinized by the effective government organization, the people will never know that fact that only 10 cents out of every dollar they donated had benefitted the patient.

    same rules should apply here. but here is malaysia. everything is possible.

  21. yet, they didn't mention the purpose of acquiring the land near FY kulai. i tot FY kulai is big enough. do they really need expansion ?

  22. well
    that piece of land
    according my knowledge
    it is not in kulai it is in stulang

